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AED on Site!

An AED and First Aid Kit have been acquired and are now located across the road from the main dock, at the corner of Lakeview Road and Spruce Lane.  These items are for anyone's use, we just ask that if anything is used that an OLDC board member is notified so that we can replace anything that is required.  The AED and First Aid Kit will be available during the SUMMER MONTHS ONLY as it cannot be outside during the winter.



Water updates will continue to be sent to those cottagers who have opted into the community well.  The OLDC is working hard at ensuring the well stays up and running and is supplying quality water to all of the cottagers who use it!

Road Maintenance

The factors council considers when deciding calcium are:

  • Dust control in densely populated areas or recreation areas (this would be the case for Otter Lake)

  • In some cases it helps keep the integrity of the road (hardens the road, helping protect it from being punched out from heavier weighted vehicles or equipment)

  • Supressing dust in high traffic areas for visibility purposes


The municipality only does Lakeview Road within the cottage area because the other roads may be too narrow to have the calcium truck travel, and also the speed at which those roads are travelled shouldn’t create a lot of dust.


The grader operator tries to grade Otter Lake road each Friday, in order to accommodate for the increase in traffic on the weekend.    


Water Safety

A notice from Water Quality Management, Water Branch Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development:


Samples were taken and analyzed.  The results can be found in the report below, along with the attached documentation for more information.


Also, in some testing done on the well later in the summer of 2021, manganese levels were found to be high.  A boil water advisory was put in place.  More information has been attached here regarding the manganese notice as well as some fact sheets.

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